Mini Split Air Conditioners for Your Server Room

Nov 2nd 2017

The growth of technology has seen a boom in the use of server rooms in large and medium sized business. Cloud computing has also increased the number of data centers globally, requiring efficient means of cooling computer systems. As the number of servers grows, the heat output rises as well. 

In most cases, businesses rely on large HVAC systems, or in some cases commercial portable air conditioners to maintain the health of their servers. Large HVAC systems can be rather expensive, and commercial portable air conditioners often fall short in performance. 

Mini split air conditioners actually offer an affordable alternative to central air conditioning systems for server cooling, and are more efficient than commercial portable air conditioners. Mini split air conditioners can be easily installed in virtually any server room, without the need for costly ductwork, and in most cases offering more affordable cooling in terms of electric consumption. 

Most mini split air conditioner systems can be scaled to the demand of the server room. Ranging from 9000 BTU up to 60000 BTU, systems can be installed according the requirements of the server room, from the smallest rooms to the largest server farms. 

Cost Advantages to a Mini Split

Opting for an Energy Star Certified system can typically minimize your costs for cooling, and ultimately reducing the cost of operations for most data centers and crypto-currency mining operations.

If you are currently operating a data center or server room, and considering replacing your existing cooling system, consider the numerous benefits of a mini split air conditioner system for cooling your servers:

  • Efficient and Minimal Operation Costs
  • Simple Installation, Low Labor and Maintenance Cost
  • Powerful Cooling with Precise Temperature Control

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